Mahesh Babu, popularly known as Prince, is one of the reigning young stars of Telugu cinema. Prince Born on 9th August 1974, Ghattamaneni Mahesh Babu was born to actor Krishna and in Chennai. He is one of five siblings. He has an older brother Ramesh, two older sisters Padmavathi and Manjula and a younger sister Priyadarshini. He did his schooling at St Bede’s School in Chennai and obtained a degree in Commerce from Loyola College, Chennai. Mahesh stands tall at a height of 6’3” and a cricket fan. Mahesh married Namrata Shirodkar...
Mahesh Babu
Mahesh Babu, popularly known as Prince, is one of the reigning young stars of Telugu cinema. Prince Born on 9th August 1974, Ghattamaneni Mahesh Babu was born to actor Krishna and in Chennai. He is one of five siblings. He has an older brother Ramesh, two older sisters Padmavathi and Manjula and a younger sister Priyadarshini. He did his schooling at St Bede’s School in Chennai and obtained a degree in Commerce from Loyola College, Chennai. Mahesh stands tall at a height of 6’3” and a cricket fan. Mahesh married Namrata Shirodkar...
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