Aagadu will become biggest hit in Mahesh Babu's career, said producer Anil Sunkara. Superstar's new movie opening was held today and the event was attended by Tollywood biggies. Though Mahesh was not present at the opening ceremony, his wife Namratha graced the event. 'Mirchi' fame Koratala Siva is directing this action and family entertainer while Shruti Haasan has been paired as the leading lady opposite to Mahesh. 'Dookudu' is the biggest hit in Mahesh's career till date and this film collected close to 56 crores. 14 Reels producers made '1-Nenonnakadine' and tasted heavy losses with that film and now, they are leaving no stone unturned to make sure that 'Aagadu' becomes another blockbuster in Mahesh Babu's career. Srinu Vaitla is directing the film and the recently released teasers received fantastic response from Superstar fans and Telugu movie lovers. Aagadu also marks 50th film of SS Thaman and the music director said that this album will be one of the best in his career. Ram Achanta, Gopi Achanta and Anil Sunkara are jointly producing 'Aagadu' under 14 Reels Entertainments banner and the audio of this film will be unveiled on August 28. Makers of 'Aagadu' are planning to release film on 19th or 26th of September 2014.
Aagadu Will Be Mahesh Babu's Biggest Hit
Aagadu will become biggest hit in Mahesh Babu's career, said producer Anil Sunkara. Superstar's new movie opening was held today and the event was attended by Tollywood biggies. Though Mahesh was not present at the opening ceremony, his wife Namratha graced the event. 'Mirchi' fame Koratala Siva is directing this action and family entertainer while Shruti Haasan has been paired as the leading lady opposite to Mahesh. 'Dookudu' is the biggest hit in Mahesh's career till date and this film collected close to 56 crores. 14 Reels producers made '1-Nenonnakadine' and tasted heavy losses with that film and now, they are leaving no stone unturned to make sure that 'Aagadu' becomes another blockbuster in Mahesh Babu's career. Srinu Vaitla is directing the film and the recently released teasers received fantastic response from Superstar fans and Telugu movie lovers. Aagadu also marks 50th film of SS Thaman and the music director said that this album will be one of the best in his career. Ram Achanta, Gopi Achanta and Anil Sunkara are jointly producing 'Aagadu' under 14 Reels Entertainments banner and the audio of this film will be unveiled on August 28. Makers of 'Aagadu' are planning to release film on 19th or 26th of September 2014.
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