We all were so excited to hear about the trilingual multi-starrer film starring our tollywood heros Mahesh Babu and Nagarjuna and directed by the ace director Mani Ratnam. But even before we could celebrate fully, hear comes the sad news of the movie being shelved. Everything was all most decided, the lead actors and actresses and everything was almost there and it was also said that Aishwarya Rai and Sruthi Hassan will be the lead for which later Aishwarya denied. But keeping all this aside, the movie was about to start in two months and here again comes the news of the movie being stopped. I dont know why it is happening, but sources say that Mahesh Babu has asked lumpsum amount to act and this is making Maniratnam think again. Now, we can just pray and hope the movie doesnt get shelved.
Mahesh-Nag-Maniratnam no more a team
We all were so excited to hear about the trilingual multi-starrer film starring our tollywood heros Mahesh Babu and Nagarjuna and directed by the ace director Mani Ratnam. But even before we could celebrate fully, hear comes the sad news of the movie being shelved. Everything was all most decided, the lead actors and actresses and everything was almost there and it was also said that Aishwarya Rai and Sruthi Hassan will be the lead for which later Aishwarya denied. But keeping all this aside, the movie was about to start in two months and here again comes the news of the movie being stopped. I dont know why it is happening, but sources say that Mahesh Babu has asked lumpsum amount to act and this is making Maniratnam think again. Now, we can just pray and hope the movie doesnt get shelved.
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