Almost a year after the release of Kadali, filmmaker Mani Ratnam is all set to start working on his next multi-lingual project, which will be simultaneously made in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi. If all goes well, Telugu superstars Akkineni Nagarjuna and Mahesh Babu will team up for a multi-lingual movie with ace filmmaker Mani Ratnam, who is currently busy working on the script for the project. Nagarjuna's manager has confirmed the news about Mani Ratnam approaching the actor. He told IANS, "Mani sir had met Nagarjuna last week, discussed about the film and wanted to know if he was compatible to share screen space with Mahesh. Nagarjuna said he wouldn't mind working with Mahesh if given an opportunity." He added, "The script is not yet ready. (He) said he will return soon with the complete script of the film."
It is also reported that Mani Ratnam has approached superstar Mahesh Babu, who has also given a green signal to the idea to work with Nagarjuna. Currently, Prince has a few projects like Aaagadu, Tapori and Shivam. He is expected to start working on this multi-starrer film after wrapping up his current projects. Meanwhile, Roja, Dil Se and Thalapathi fame Mani Ratnam, who has learnt a lesson from his disaster Kadal, is fasting heading to complete the scripting work.
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